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홈스쿨의 모든 것 (성경적 세계관 컨퍼런스 – 2015 북가주)

홈스쿨의 모든 것

===TVNEXT 성경적 세계관 컨퍼런스 둘쨋날 강의=== – 강사: 박애나 전도사 (TVNEXT 간사, 홈스쿨 전문가) – 강의 일자: 2015년 7월 25일

강의 슬라이드

홈스쿨 질의 문답 (곧 한글화 하겠습니다)

  1. 질문: 대학 입학시 대학교측에서 home schooling을 한 학생들을 어떻게 평가하는지 궁금합니다 – 예, high school GPA를 평가할때 home schooling에 대한 대안은? [accordion][acc title=”답변 (눌러서 보기)”]대학 마다 조금은 다르지만 대 부분 대학교가 홈스쿨 학생을 평가 하는 방법은:

사본 (transcript) / 누적 기록 – 영어 4년, 수학 2-4년, 외국어 (한국어 포함) 2-4년, 실험실 과학 2-4년, 사회 과학/역사 2년을한 코스 기록; 성적, GPA, 졸업 날짜, 교장 (아버지) 서명

대학이 요청하는 SAT 또는 ACT. 일부 대학은 SAT II 와 같은 추가 시험을 요청한다

각 대학의 영어와 수학 배치 시험


  1. 질문: home schooling은 이상적인 교육제도라 생각합니다. 그러나 현실적으로 home schooling을 하기 힘든 사람들이 더 많다고 생각합니다 그렇다면, 공립학교에 보내면서 Christian의 정체성을 가진 아이들로 키울 수 있는 교육적 대안은 없을까요? [accordion][acc title=”답변 (눌러서 보기)”]

이 질문은 또 하나의 세미나 주제가 될 수 있겠습니다. 기독교 가정에서 자란 자녀가 매주 30-40시간 학교에서 세뇌교육 받고 대학교 가며 92%가 신앙을 버리다고 합니다 (Dr. Brian Ray, Josh McDowell, Zan Tyler). 성경적 정체성을 지키는 8%가 되기 위해서는 부모님이 학교보다 더 부지런히 자녀를 교육시키시며 자녀를 위해 기도하시면 가능하다고 생각됩니다.

우선 성교육 세미나에서 말씀드린 5개의 전제가 가장 중요하다고 믿습니다. 그 다음은 학교에서 가르치는 진화론, 이슬람, 사회주의/공상주의, 외곡된 성, 등등을 자녀와 함께 성경으로 분석하며 성경적 가치관을 키워주셔야 합니다. 그리고 부모의 권리가 무너져 있는 캘리포니아에서는 특히 부모님이 직접 자녀 학교와 교실에 참석하시고 선생님도 만나시며 부모의 동의 없이 자녀에게 가르치는 것을 알아보시기 바랍니다.

자녀 친구들의 부모님들과 가치관이 비슷하면 그들과 친구가 되시면 큰 도움이 됩니다. 서로의 자녀를 돌보며 눈이 되어줄 수 있습니다. 그리고 자녀가 학교 친구들과 함께 성경 공부와 기도 모임에 참석 하거나 학교 점심 시간에 함께 기도하도록 격려해주시기 바랍니다. 학교에 크리스천 선생님이 계시면 그분도 함께 하면 더 힘이 되구요. 소돔과 같은 학교에서 자녀가 빛과 소금이 되기를 주님이 원하신다고 심어주시기 바랍니다.


  1. 질문: Homeschool의 참고가 될 만한 “실폐사례”를 나눠 주시기 바랍니다 [accordion][acc title=”답변 (눌러서 보기)”]개인적으로는 못 봤지만 들어 본적은 있습니다. 홈스쿨 실폐하는 이유들:

지친 엄마 – 보통 엄마가 집에 계시니까 공부를 가르치시지만 아빠가 직장 전이나 후에 체육, 성경, 등등으로 도우실 수 있습니다. 그리도 적어도 일주일에 2-3시간 엄마가 아이들과 떨어져서 쉴 시간이 필요합니다. 아빠가 이 시간은 엄마에게 주셔야 합니다.

홈스쿨 지원 그룹 무가입 – 정기적으로 만나서 서로의 어려움과 자료를 나눌 수 있는 모임이 처음 몇년은 꼭 필요합니다.

너무 많은 것을 지나치게 하려는 스케쥴 – 공부 과목이건 활동이건 다른 사람들 하는 것 다하다가는 부모도 아이도 지치게 됩니다.

공립학교 형식으로 하는 홈스쿡 – 공립학교는 30명 학생을 한 교실에서 가르치는 형식으로 집에서 2-3 아이 가르칠 수 없습니다. 홈스쿨 오래 하신 분들의 조언은 공립학교 다니다가 홈스쿨을 중간에 시작하시는 가정은 1년 정도 unschooling 하라고 하십니다. 1년 정도 교육법에 위반되지 않을 정도로 아주 조금만 공부하고 많은 시간을 가족과 보내라고 하십니다.

규칙 없는 스케쥴 – 집에서 공부해도 일정된 시간에 일어나고, QT하고, 학교 시작해야합니다.

나의 아이를 다른 아이에 마추기 – 아이 마다 배우는 형식이 다르고 장단점들이 다르기 때문에 내아이는 오직 주님에 주신 내아이에게 만 마추셔야합니다.

홈스쿡 법적 지원 무가입 – 정부에서 전화나 방문하는 일은 거의 없지만 HSLDA ( $115/일년) 같은 홈스쿡 법적 지원에 가입하는 것을 추천합니다. HSLDA는 법적 질문있을 때에도 도움이 되고 혹시 정부에서 연락이 오면 HSDLA에서 다 해결해 줍니다. HSLDA는 개인 홈스쿨에만 해당되고 정부 Charter 홈스쿨은 해당이 안됩니다. 정부자금으로 하는 홈스쿨은 정부에게 권리가 있기 때문입니다.


  1. Question: Need Power point slides that include questions I can discuss with my son regarding sex education, resources for homeschooling (eg. online learning websites & DVD learning) [accordion][acc title=”Answer (click to view)”] – TVNEXT2015NorCal-Biblical Sexuality-성경적 성교육-by-Pastor-Anna-Park.pdf [/acc][/accordion]

  2. Question: Are current homeschooling textbooks in line with Common core?  Are there any disadvantages if we use textbooks that are not in line with Common core when submitting transcripts and taking SAT for college application? [accordion][acc title=”Answer (click to view)”] Christian homeschool curriculum providers are not making their materials compliant to the Common Core (CC). Please refer to our homepage to learn more about the CC and why it’s important not to be compliant to the CC. There is no disadvantage in terms of submitting transcripts. However, SAT/ACT tests are transitioning to be CC-compliant. This means the students will need to study SAT/ACT before taking the tests. I don’t think this will be a problem since most students study SAT/ACT before taking the tests any ways. [/acc][/accordion]

  3. Question: Do you have scheduled structure? Do kids have schedule?  What is like giving instruction/ studying atmosphere? [accordion][acc title=”Answer (click to view)”] Yes and no. We have a set wake-up time and school start time, but we don’t have a set hour for each subject. For example, we sometimes spend one hour on math and other days only 15 minutes and move on to another subject. Atmosphere is less institutional and more like a tutoring. As children get older, it becomes more and more like independent study. [/acc][/accordion]

  4. Question: Physically how do you handle it? Do you have babysitter?  What do you do for your own doctor’s appointments? [accordion][acc title=”Answer (click to view)”] If you have multiple young children to teach, teach them together, especially if they are less than two years apart because the level doesn’t differ that significantly from year to year. Also, children before 2nd grade should focus on reading and some basic math. If children can learn to love reading, they will be set for life in terms of education and academics. Borrow many many books from the library and use them as often as you need to give individual attention to another child. One beauty of homeschooling is your kids will go with you most of the time, i.e., appointments, grocery shopping, etc. Of course, if you need a break away from your kids, feel free to find a babysitter or arrange time with your husband. [/acc][/accordion]

  5. Question: how do you schedule and go field trips? Do you depend on your group? [accordion][acc title=”Answer (click to view)”] It is critical to join a support group, especially for the first few years of starting homeschool. For example, when we were homeschooling in San Jose, we joined SELAH Cornerstone. Back then SELAH had about 400 families, and under SELAH, there were many groups, which Cornerstone being one of them. Cornerstone had about 20 families. Most extra curricular (theatre, choir, sports, etc) were with them or at least found out through them. We did some field trips with them. Most museums and educational centers have homeschool days and discounts, so we would just go as a family or invite others to go with us or others invite us to go with them. [/acc][/accordion]

  6. Question: Networking is important? How do you find and connect to the group? [accordion][acc title=”Answer (click to view)”] Yes, networking is important at least until you feel comfortable homeschooling. You could refer to my seminar on our homepage. Here are some to get you started:,, [/acc][/accordion]

  7. Question: Do you need to depend a lot on the group to find information?  What are the resources to find useful information? (About homeschooling, field trips, Co-up classes, trends and useful learning links…) [accordion][acc title=”Answer (click to view)”] Most info are online, especially in the Silicon Valley. However, support group is usually the better source of info. If you have a particular place in mind, you could go to their website to look for homeschool day or discounts. [/acc][/accordion]

  8. Question: How do you find info and connect extracurricular activities? (art, piano, swimming etc…) [accordion][acc title=”Answer (click to view)”] Again, support group offers an extensive network of homeschool extracurricular activities and recommendations. [/acc][/accordion]

  9. Question: How do we teach Discussion, presentation portion on the language arts? [accordion][acc title=”Answer (click to view)”] You could have your child make presentations in front of your family and discuss as a family. It could become a fun family project. You could also gather kids who are studying the same material and have them discuss/present in front of each other (unofficial co-op). There are also homeschool speech/debate co-ops. [/acc][/accordion]

  10. Question: Do you monitor TV, video, you-tube, computer game usage? How do you control them? [accordion][acc title=”Answer (click to view)”] Yes, we disconnected our TV when our older child was in preschool (about 15 years ago) and Sesame Street started promoting homosexuality. I check movie reviews and only allow the ones I approve or tolerate, and the kids can rent those movies to watch. We give kids unsupervised access to Internet when they enter college. Before college age, they could still use Internet under parents’ supervision. All home computers require password, and they are not given a smartphone until college. All media (Internet, games, social media, etc.) is limited to one hour a day on school days when they are all done with school/jobs and two hours a day on school breaks. Of course there are exceptions such as movie nights since most movies are longer than an hour. When my kids were younger, limit was 30 minutes a day. [/acc][/accordion]

  11. Question: How do we enhance social life/socialization?  What are socialization opportunities? [accordion][acc title=”Answer (click to view)”] There are many opportunities. Support groups have regular park days for families with younger children. Invite another family over dinner and engage the children to dialogue with the adults instead of sending kids away to another room. Go on a family mission trip. Volunteer as a family to help at a church event. Visit and help an old neighbor as a family. Important thing is to create a natural social environment, where there is a wide range of age, race, environment, etc. [/acc][/accordion]

  12. Question: How do we teach writing essays? [accordion][acc title=”Answer (click to view)”] English curriculum includes writing essays. I check them, but if you don’t feel comfortable, you could ask your support group for help or hire someone to check the essays. [/acc][/accordion]

  13. Question: Do we do science experiments on our own for teaching science? [accordion][acc title=”Answer (click to view)”] Yes, we did most science on our own, including experiments. We once did Biology co-op with our support group. Home Science Tools ( offers complete lab kits for all major Christian homeschool science curriculum. [/acc][/accordion]

  14. Question: There are so much to learn as a beginner of homeschooling but how do we set aside time to research and find info and do preps for teaching our kids? [accordion][acc title=”Answer (click to view)”] Overloading is a common pitfall for first timers. Go as slow as you want. Even if you take a 2-3 years off, your kids will still be ahead of public school kids. If you are pulling older kids out of public school, many veteran homeschoolers recommend spending one year of unschooling, meaning taking it very easy and doing very minimal to detox and adjust. If you are starting with young children, focus on reading and basic math. Please refer to #4 response. [/acc][/accordion]

  15. Question: Official Testing? Stat testing? Smart balance testing? [accordion][acc title=”Answer (click to view)”] All standardized tests that public schools offer are only for public school system. You don’t have any testing requirement as a private school or homeschool. We definitely don’t want Common Core testing, a.k.a. Smart Balance Assessment Consortia (SBAC) and Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC). All Common Core assessments are computerized stored in a State Longitudinal Database System, tracking not only academic performance but also gestational age at birth, combined household income, religious affiliation, voting status, medical history, insurance coverage, etc, from birth to the workforce. The database is not only available to the U.S. Department of Education but also the Department of Labor, Department of Correction, Department of Health and Human Services, and others at the discretion of the US Department of Education. This is in violation of Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment (PPRA) and Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). [/acc][/accordion]

  16. Question: Online learning website, DVD learning website? [accordion][acc title=”Answer (click to view)”] There are tuition-based online homeschools. Please see my homeschool seminar for links. There are free online learning websites. We tried math drills. [/acc][/accordion]

  17. Question: Curriculum samples and guides? [accordion][acc title=”Answer (click to view)”] Annual homeschool convention is the best place to compare curriculum, flip through pages, etc. Nor Cal had Valley Home Educators Homeschool Convention on 7/24-25 ( You can also go into individual publisher website and see samples. [/acc][/accordion]

  18. Question: Spiritual recharge? Are there places that I can go with kids  such as Tuesday women’s’ worship service or small cell group meetings? [accordion][acc title=”Answer (click to view)”] Support groups meet regularly to pray for one another and offer spiritual support for parents. Some churches offer what you are describing. For example, my church here in Kansas City has weekly prayer meetings for the whole family. [/acc][/accordion]

  19. Question: Are there Christian books library? [accordion][acc title=”Answer (click to view)”] Public libraries have a wide selection of Christian books. You could also exchange books within the support group. [/acc][/accordion]

  20. Question: How are the kids during their puberty?  Are they rebellious to parents? [accordion][acc title=”Answer (click to view)”] This is one of the highlights of homeschooling. I have yet to see rebellious homeschool teens. Rebellion is often peer-learned behavior plus lack of parental attention. Since kids are very close to parents and confident in parents’ love and commitment for them, very few teens see the need to rebel. [/acc][/accordion]

  21. Question: Transcripts to submit to college:  are they made by me?   Are they valid? [accordion][acc title=”Answer (click to view)”] Yes, parents make the high school transcript to submit to the college. It is completely valid as long as you follow the guideline. Please see my homeschool seminar for more detail. [/acc][/accordion]

  22. Question: Are they Homeschooling support group, co-op group that are within the church? [accordion][acc title=”Answer (click to view)”] Most homeschool support groups are Christian-based since many choose homeschool for religious reasons. [/acc][/accordion]

  23. Question: Is SAT in line with Common core? [accordion][acc title=”Answer (click to view)”] Not yet, but both SAT and ACT will be compliant to the Common Core. [/acc][/accordion]

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