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동성결혼 금지법의 중요성 (예: California Proposition 8)

Propositon 8 (동성애 결혼 금지법)은…

Prop8은 어린이들을 보호합니다. Proposition 8 은 우리의 아이들을 학교에서 동성간 결혼이 전통적인 결혼과 같은 것이라고 가르쳐지는 것으로부터 보호합니다. 주정부 법에 따르면 건강교육 과목에서 교사들은 아이들이 유치원(kindergarten)에 다닐 때부터 결혼에 관해 가르치도록 되어있습니다 (교육법 51890). 만약 동성간 결혼의 판례가 번복되지 않으면 교사들은 아이들에게 동성간 결혼과 전통적인 결혼간에 전혀 다른 점이 없다고 가르쳐야 합니다.

Prop8은 사회의 기본 단위인 결혼을 보호합니다. Proposition 8 은 결혼과 전통적인 가정의 중요역활을 보호합니다. 비록 죽음이나 이혼 혹은 다른 어떤 상황이 가장 이상적이며 최적인 상황을 막을 수도 있지만, 아이에게 가장 좋은 양육환경은 결혼한 엄마와 아빠에 의해 길러지는 것입니다.

Prop 8은 결혼을 보호하자는 것이지 동성애자들의 삶의 방식에 대한 공격이 아닙니다. Proposition 8 은 게이나 레즈비언 동거인들의 어떤 권리나 혜택도 빼앗지 않습니다. 캘리포니아법에 따르면 사회적동거인은 결혼한 배우자들과 동일한 권리와 보호 해택을 누린다고 되어있습니다. (가족법 297.5) 거기에는 어떤 예외도 없으며 Proposition 8 은 이것을 변화시키지 않습니다.

동성결혼이 우리에게 끼칠 영향 (곧 한글로 번역되어 올려집니다)


Marrying a same-sex lover isn’t a civil right.

Prop. 8 isn’t out to remove rights. In America, we all have the “right” to have a relationship. But what about the legal right to marry?

For centuries, civil marriage protected society and children by making marriage a legal institution between a man and a woman.

On March 7, 2000, 61% of California voters passed Prop. 22 ?to keep marriage between a man and a woman.

On May 15, 2008, four judges overturned the will of voters and said same-sex marriage was a “right.”

The question is, why stop there? If gays have a right to get married, then how can they say a man doesn’t have the right to marry his daughter, or a minor, or three women?

The same-sex marriage movement has more to do with validation and social respect than legal rights. But the cost to the rest of society is far too much to pay.


This isn’t just about adults and their desires. Prop. 8 puts children first.

Marriage between a man and a woman goes far beyond procreation.

While death, divorce, and other circumstances may prevent it in many cases, the best environment for raising children is traditional marriage. More than ten thousand studies document significant advantages kids experience when raised by committed and loving moms and dads.

Benefits include:

Lower poverty rates: On average kids from never married homes spend 51% of their childhood in poverty compared to only 7% for kids in married homes

Lower crime rate: Kids from married homes are less than half as likely to end up in jail as children of broken homes

Lower suicide rate: Kids from married homes are six times less likely to commit suicide than those from divorced homes

Better health: Kids from married homes are generally physically and emotionally healthier when they reach adulthood than kids from unmarried homes


If Prop. 8 loses, children as young as kindergarteners must be taught same-sex marriage.

Public schools are required to teach the role of marriage in society. If Prop. 8 passes, that won’t change.

If Prop. 8 does not pass, children as young as kindergarteners must be taught about same-sex marriage.


Prop. 8 protects and strengthens society by promoting marriage between a man and a woman.

Simply put, traditional marriage is better for us, mentally, physically and psychologically. We’re not making it up; public health statistics confirm this. That’s just another reason why Prop. 8 needs to be passed.

Take just one example: Men in traditional marriages are way better off than unmarried men.

They live longer: Unmarried men have a 250% higher mortality rate.

They’re happier: The latest data show that 40% of married people say they are very happy with their life in general, compared with less than 25% of single or cohabitating individuals.

They’re richer: Married men earn more too… 10-40% more than single or cohabitating men.

What this means is that fewer of your tax dollars go to pay for social programs caused by unhealthy and unwise living.


If Prop. 8 loses, churches likely will face lawsuits and persecution if they don’t perform same-sex ceremonies.

Churches, synagogues, mosques and other centers of worship have beliefs, practices, and traditions they use to determine what heterosexual couples must meet prior to marriage. That isn’t bias; that’s freedom of religion.

The government doesn’t (as of yet) tell faith-based groups who they can…



accept for a bar mitzvah

qualify for any other religious function.

If same-sex marriage remains legal, what will happen if a church or religious institution refuses to perform a marriage ceremony for individuals that runs contrary to its belief system? If it refuses, it may be accused of discrimination and be subject to a lawsuit. That is not freedom of religion.


Prop. 8 protects the definition of marriage as it has been defined since the beginning of civilization and throughout 158 years of California statehood.

Okay, listen to this and don’t let your eyes glaze over. The legal and civil definition of marriage as between a man and a woman has gone unchallenged for centuries, providing a foundation for the growth of Western civilization. That means your way of life.

If we allow any other sexual relationship to have the same social and financial status as marriage – be it man-man, woman-woman, man-daughter, etc. we will degrade marriage, get less of it and further weaken society and civilization.

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