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SB48폐지 실폐

497,404의 valid한 서명이 모여졌고, 필요했던 504,760에 못미쳤습니다.

수고해주신 여러분들께 진심으로 감사드리며, 자세한 내용과 다음 계획을  TVNext.org를 통해 곧 알려드리겠습니다.

아래에 있는 글들을 참조해주세요.


2. The Numbers (from

497,404 504,760 The first number is the number of signatures received by Stop SB48. The second number is the number of signatures needed to qualify the referendum. Some will find encouragement in those numbers-we came close. Others will be discouraged-with just a little more effort… We did come close.But we should put that in perspective. Realize that some amount of signatures will always be thrown out because of errors. Ultimately we needed many more than the 504,760 to qualify the referendum. We simply ran out of time before we could get to that number. While we did not qualify the referendum, our efforts did not go unnoticed. We gained more than  497,000 signatures without the use of paid signature gatherers. That is unprecedented. And we did this on a small fraction of the budget traditionally required to gather that many signatures.

In emails and phone calls over the last 24 hours, two questions have dominated. The first question is answered by the numbers above. The second question is “where do we go from here?” While the referendum was the best way to stop SB48 in its tracks, there are other ways for the citizens of California to respond to bad laws. We are discussing our next move and will keep you informed as decisions are made. We lost this most recent battle. But with your help we will fight on.

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