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Biblical Worldview Academy: “Hope for the Next Generation Project – Making Them the Disciples

Download this invitation letter in PDF: BWA Adult Invitation Download youth postcard invitation: BWA Postcard Invitation

We are living in a unique generation where wickedness is legislated, taught, and even preached. Our children are bombarded with the message that evil is good and good is evil, darkness is light and light is darkness, bitter is sweet and sweet is bitter (Isa. 5:20). With the record number of young people leaving the church, the enemy appears to be effective in making them into the disciples of this world.

Prophet Daniel was taken captive as a teenager to a most wicked nation of his generation, Babylon. However, he neither bowed to the spirit of Babylon in confusion nor cowered and compromised in fear. Daniel knew his God and was equipped, most likely by his parents.

Jesus already told us through the Bible that the world will get darker and the church will get brighter, leading up to the return of Jesus. Would our children be like Daniel ready to take a stand in truth and love, or would they shrink back in fear and confusion?

We are accountable for the next generation before the Lord. We must not lose our children to the spirit of this world on our watch. Therefore, TVNext is launching Biblical Worldview Academy to help equip the families and train the next generation to become the disciples of Jesus.

Biblical Worldview Academy: “Hope for the Next Generation Project – Making Them the Disciples of Jesus!”

Pre-K to 2nd, 3rd-5th: What does the Bible say about THAT Children will learn to answer the issues that confront today’s culture through the media, school, friends, etc. Through  a thorough understanding of the authority and primary teachings of Scripture, they will be equipped to defend the Bible and become conformed to the image of Christ as they apply God’s Word in their everyday lives.

Youth (6th-12th) and Young Adults: No Blind Faith Topics include Blind Faith is Unbiblical, Proving God Exists using Science, Proving the Bible Is Accurate, Proving Jesus Rose from the Dead, Is there an Objective Morality?, Homosexuality and Same Sex Marriage! What does the Bible say and Why?, Should Christians be involved in Law Making and Politics?

We invite your whole family and youth group to come together and get equipped. The adult seminars will be in Korean. The youth seminars will be in English. The children seminars will be in both Korean and English.

When: 5/10, 5/12, 5/17, 5/24, 5/31, 6/7, 6/14 7:30-9:30pm Where: Light of the Lord Community Church. 2526 Homestead Rd., Santa Clara, CA 95052 Tuition: $35 Registration and more info in Korean: Questions or comments:

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성경적 세계관 Children’s Summer Online Academy 2021!

초청합니다! Tvnext (다음세대 가치관 정립 & 보호) 에서 주최하는 “성경적 세계관 어린이 온라인 아카데미” 에 여러분의 소중한 자녀들을 초청합니다. 자세한 내용은 아래 등록링크(Registration)에 들어가셔서 참조하시면 됩니다....

성경적 세계관 Children’s Summer Online Academy 2021!

초청합니다! Tvnext (다음세대 가치관 정립 & 보호) 에서 주최하는 “성경적 세계관 어린이 온라인 아카데미” 에 여러분의 소중한 자녀들을 초청합니다. 자세한 내용은 아래 등록링크(Registration)에 들어가셔서 참조하시면 됩니다....


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