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선거 참여는 그리스도인들의 책임이며 의무입니다!!   예비 선거에 여러분의 성경적 가치관을 대변해줄 정치리더를 뽑으세요!  

올바로 아는 게 힘이다!!

성경적 세계관으로 무장합시다!!

By 김태오 목사/새라 김 사모



지금 투표 하지 마세요. 꼭 직접 가서 투표하세요. NO 우편투표!!


5 Duties of Christian Citizens (크리스찬들의 5가지 막중한책들 – By Rev. Bill Bright)


기독교 캠퍼스 설립자, CCC의 대표자이며 사 영리(4 Spiritual Law) 로 잘 알려지신 빌 브라이트(Rev. Bill Bright) 박사이자

목사님께서는 투표는 곧 그리스도인들의 책임이며 의무라고 강조하시며 5가지의 책임을 꼭 해야 한다고 다음처럼 말씀하십니다.

  1. 기도하라 Pray!

  2. 유권자 등록하라 Register to Vote!

  3. 올바른 정보를 취하라Be informed with right information!

  4. 참여하라Be Involved!

  5. 투표하라Vote!!

캘리포니아 주정부 웹사이트에 들어가시면, 이런 로고를 보실 수 있습니다.

My Voice, My Choice, My Vote! 나의 의견, 나의 선택, 곧 나의 투표!


미국에서는 선거에 참여하는 것이 한 개인의 특권이며 시민의 특혜입니다.


미국의 역사를 알고 있는 시민일수록 꼭 투표를 하게 됩니다.

나의 한 표가 내가 살고 있는 도시와 국가속에 잘못된 것을 바로잡고 건강한 변화를 만들 수 있기 때문입니다.

나의 가정, 나의 자녀, 우리 교회, 하나님의 백성들이 거짓과 깊은 어둠속에 혼돈된 세상을 예수님의 진리와 빛으로 변화시킬 수 있는 유일하고 Powerful 한 소중한 기회이기 때문입니다.

옛날 미국의 역사를 보면, 흑인들과 여성들은 “투표권”을 얻기 위해 엄청난 대가를 치뤘음을 알 수 있습니다. 그것은 바로 위와 같은 이유 때문입니다.

저희 단체는 미 전역의 기독교 단체들과 협력하여 다음과 같은 특별 이슈들을 “성경적 관점 -Biblical Principle”에서 현재 나온 후보자들에게 설문조사를 보내어 받은 대답들을 토대로 드리는 가이드라인/Recommendation입니다.



설문조사한 이슈들:

  1. 성경적 결혼관(한남자와 한여자의연합),

  2. Pro-Life(친 생명) – 태아도 인간생명이다

  3. Pro-Liberty of Faith (신앙의 자유 및 자유민주주의 수호)

  4. Pro-Safety of Nation (국가의 안전과 보호 수호)


  1. Governor: Brian Dahle

  2. Lieutenant Governor: Angela E. Underwood Jacobs

  3. Secretary of State: Rob Bernosky

  4. Controller: Lanhee Chen

  5. Treasurer: Jack M. Guerrero

  6. Attorney General: Nathan Hochman

  7. Insurance Commissioner Robert Howell

  8. Superintendent of Public Instruction Lance Ray Christensen

  9. Board of Equalization Member District 1 Ted Gaines

  10. Board of Equalization Member District 2 Peter Coe Verbica

  11. Board of Equalization Member District 3 No recommendation.

  12. Board of Equalization Member District 4 Denis R. Bilodeau or Randell R. Economy

  13. United States Senator (Full Term) Mark P. Meuser or Cordie Williams

  14. United States Senator (Partial/Unexpired Term) Mark P. Meuser



California Congressional Districts:


NOTE: (To find your Congressional District, refer to your ballot or use this website based upon your address)

United States Representative District 1 Doug LaMalfa

United States Representative District 2 Douglas Brower

United States Representative District 3 Kevin Kiley has a strong Pro-Life voting record as a current Assemblymember, with impressive endorsements, and financial support. Scott Jones is also Pro-Life.

United States Representative District 4 No recommendation.

United States Representative District 5 Tom McClintock

United States Representative District 6 Tamika Hamilton, Chris (Christine) Bish, and Bret Daniels are all Pro-Life candidates.

United States Representative District 7 Max Semenenko

United States Representative District 8 Rudy Recile

United States Representative District 9 Tom Patti is highly endorsed and has the most funding, while Jonathan Madison and Jim Shoemaker are also Pro-Life.

United States Representative District 10 No recommendation.

United States Representative District 11 John Dennis

United States Representative District 12 No recommendation.

United States Representative District 13 David A. Giglio

United States Representative District 14 Sri “Steve” Iyer

United States Representative District 15 Gus Mattammal

United States Representative District 16 Peter Ohtaki |

United States Representative District 17 Ritesh Tandon

United States Representative District 18 Peter Hernandez

United States Representative District 19 Dalila Epperson or Jeff Gorman

United States Representative District 20 Kevin McCarthy

United States Representative District 21 Michael Maher

United States Representative District 22 David G. Valadao

United States Representative District 22 Special Election Connie Conway

United States Representative District 23 Jay Obernolte

United States Representative District 24 Michele R. Weslander Quaid or Brad Allen

United States Representative District 25 Brian E. Hawkins has the strongest endorsements.

Ceci Truman and Brian M Tyson are also Pro-Life.

United States Representative District 26 Matt Jacobs

United States Representative District 27 Mike Garcia

United States Representative District 28 Wes Hallman

United States Representative District 29 No recommendation.

United States Representative District 30 Ronda Kennedy

United States Representative District 31 No recommendation.

United States Representative District 32 Lucie Lapointe Volotzky

United States Representative District 33 Rex Gutierrez

United States Representative District 34 No recommendation.

United States Representative District 35 No recommendation.

United States Representative District 36 Joe E. Collins III

United States Representative District 37 No recommendation.

United States Representative District 38 Eric J. Ching

United States Representative District 39 Aja Smith

United States Representative District 40 Young Kim

United States Representative District 41 Ken Calvert

United States Representative District 42 John Briscoe

United States Representative District 43 Allison Pratt

United States Representative District 44 No recommendation.

United States Representative District 45 Michelle Steel

United States Representative District 46 Christopher J. Gonzales

United States Representative District 47 Scott Baugh is the strongest, most highly endorsed, very experienced, and well-funded candidate.

Brian Burley, Amy Phan West, and Errol Webber are also Pro-Life candidates.

United States Representative District 48 Darrell Issa

United States Representative District 49 Brian Maryott is the most highly endorsed and experienced candidate.

United States Representative District 50 Corey Gustafson

United States Representative District 51 Stan Caplan

United States Representative District 52 Tyler Geffeney



California State Senate


NOTE: (To find your State Senate District, refer to your ballot or use this website based upon your address)

State Senate District 2 No recommendation.

State Senate District 4 George Radanovich or Steven C Bailey

State Senate District 6 Roger Niello is the most experienced candidate, with very strong endorsements.

Michael J Huang is also Pro-Life.

State Senate District 8 Angelique Ashby would be better than extremely Pro-abortion Dave Jones.

State Senate District 10 Paul J Pimentel

State Senate District 12 Shannon Grove

State Senate District 14 Amnon Shor

State Senate District 16 David Shepard

State Senate District 18 Alejandro Galicia

State Senate District 20 No recommendation.

State Senate District 22 Kimo Mateo or Vincent Tsai

State Senate District 24 No recommendation.

State Senate District 26 No recommendation.

State Senate District 28 Joe Lisuzzo

State Senate District 30 Mitch Clemmons

State Senate District 32 Kelly Seyarto

State Senate District 34 Rhonda Shader

State Senate District 36 Janet Nguyen

State Senate District 38 Matt Gunderson

State Senate District 40 Brian Jones



California State Assembly


NOTE: (To find your State Assembly District, refer to your ballot or use this website based upon your address)

State Assembly Member District 1 Megan Dahle

State Assembly Member District 2 Charlotte Svolos

State Assembly Member District 3 James Gallagher

State Assembly Member District 4 Bryan Pritchard

State Assembly Member District 5 Joe Patterson

State Assembly Member District 6 Cathy Cook

State Assembly Member District Josh Hoover

State Assembly Member District 8 Jim Patterson

State Assembly Member District 9 Heath Flora

State Assembly Member District 10 Eric M. Rigard

State Assembly Member District 11 No recommendation.

State Assembly Member District 12 No recommendation.

State Assembly Member District 13 No recommendation.

State Assembly Member District 14 No recommendation.

State Assembly Member District 15 No recommendation.

State Assembly Member District 16 Joseph A. Rubay

State Assembly Member District 17 Bill Shireman

State Assembly Member District 18 No recommendation.

State Assembly Member District 19 No recommendation.

State Assembly Member District 20 No recommendation.

State Assembly Member District 21 Mark Gilham

State Assembly Member District 22 Joel Gutierrez Campos is the strongest and most endorsed Pro-Life candidate. Guadalupe ‘Lupita’ Salazar is also Pro-Life. We were unable to reach Juan Alanis.

State Assembly Member District 23 Tim Dec

State Assembly Member District 24 Bob Brunton

State Assembly Member District 25 Ted Stroll would be better than Pro-Abortion Ash Kalra

State Assembly Member District 26 Tim Gorsulowsky

State Assembly Member District 27 Mark Nicholas Pazin or Amanda Fleming

State Assembly Member District 28 Liz Lawler

State Assembly Member District 29 Stephanie L. Castro

State Assembly Member District 30 Vicki Nohrden

State Assembly Member District 31 No recommendation.

State Assembly Member District 32 Vince Fong

State Assembly Member District 33 Devon J. Mathis

State Assembly Member District 34 Tom Lackey or Thurston “Smitty” Smith

State Assembly Member District 35 No recommendation.

State Assembly Member District 36 Ian M. Weeks

State Assembly Member District 37 Mike Stoker

State Assembly Member District 38 Cole Brocato

State Assembly Member District 39 Paul Andre Marsh

State Assembly Member District 40 Suzette Martinez Valladares

State Assembly Member District 41 No recommendation.

State Assembly Member District 42 Lori Mills

State Assembly Member District 43 No recommendation.

State Assembly Member District 44 No recommendation.

State Assembly Member District 45 Joseph (Joe) W. Martinez

State Assembly Member District 46 No recommendation.

State Assembly Member District 47 Greg Wallis

State Assembly Member District 48 No recommendation.

State Assembly Member District 49 Burton Brink

State Assembly Member District 50 Sheela Stark

State Assembly Member District 51 No recommendation.

State Assembly Member District 52 Gia D’Amato

State Assembly Member District 53 Toni Holle

State Assembly Member District 54 No recommendation.

State Assembly Member District 55 Keith Girolamo Cascio

State Assembly Member District 56 Jessica Martinez or Natasha “Naty” Serrano

State Assembly Member District 57 No recommendation.

State Assembly Member District 58 Leticia Castillo

State Assembly Member District 59 Phillip Chen

State Assembly Member District 60 Hector Diaz-Nava

State Assembly Member District 61 James Arlandus Spencer

State Assembly Member District 62 No recommendation.

State Assembly Member District 63 Bill Essayli

State Assembly Member District 64 Raul Ortiz

State Assembly Member District 65 No recommendation.

State Assembly Member District 66 George Barks

State Assembly Member District 67 Soo Yoo

State Assembly Member District 68 Mike Tardif

State Assembly Member District 69 No recommendation.

State Assembly Member District 70 Ted Bui or Emily Hibard or Kimberly Ho or Tri Ta

State Assembly Member District 71 Matt Rahn has the strongest endorsements and serves as Mayor of Temecula. Kate Sanchez is also Pro-Life.

State Assembly Member District 72 Diane Dixon

State Assembly Member District 73 Steven “Steve” Choi

State Assembly Member District 74 Laurie Davies

State Assembly Member District 75 Marie Waldron or Randy Voepel

State Assembly Member District 76 Kristie Bruce-Lane

State Assembly Member District 77 Dan Downey

State Assembly Member District 78 Eric E. Gonzales

State Assembly Member District 79 Corbin Sabol

State Assembly Member District 80 John Vogel Garcia

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